A Divine and Loving Order

Jesus Christ, being the Lord of all things, made Himself a servant and gave Himself up for His bride. She, in turn, willingly serves Him in thanksgiving for the redemption she has received. God the Holy Spirit produces this will in her heart. By the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord leads us all to live faithfully where He has placed us.

Glory Through the Cross

Text: Matthew 17:1-8 They say that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. These things go together, smoke and fire. Smoke is the result of items burning in a fire. There are a number of things that always go together, but I am reminded of fire this week by what the Holy Spirit said through St. Matthew.Continue reading “Glory Through the Cross”

What Sort of Man is This?

Text: Matthew 8:23-27 There’s an old Christian spiritual song that goes like this: “He’s got the whole world in His hands; He’s got the whole world in His hands; He’s got the whole world in His hands; the whole world’s in His hands.” I would bet that most of us have probably sung it atContinue reading “What Sort of Man is This?”

Of Faith and Mercy

Text: Matthew 8:1-13 Over the last few weeks, we’ve been thinking about how in the Epiphany season we confess that Jesus, the Son of Man, is also the Son of God. We witnessed this in the visit of the wise men. We heard the God the Father proclaim from heaven that Jesus is His belovedContinue reading “Of Faith and Mercy”